9:00 AM:
Modular Team Building
9:10 AM:
How Highly Paid Info Business Owners Can Pay Zero Taxes By Living Overseas
9:20 AM:
Cultivate a High-Performance Team Built on Trust
9:30 AM:
Maximizing Profits with Marketing Automation
9:40 AM:
Scaling Your Payment Operations
9:50 AM:
Projecting Cashflow
10:00 AM:
Coaching and Automations in the Digital Hybrid Age
10:30 AM:
High Touch Coaching in a High Tech World
11:00 AM:
Productization of your coaching practice
11:30 AM:
How we scaled an offer from 10k/month up to $3M
12:00 PM:
How to design a business that runs itself
12:30 PM:
The ASCEND Method™: Transforming Busy to Productivity
1:00 PM:
How we've scaled to $1m+ using social media, events, webinars
1:30 PM:
Everything you need to know to run a coaching business, legally
2:00 PM:
Optimizing Leader Mindsets
2:30 PM:
Money Mastery in Business
3:00 PM:
Automation to Operationalize Best Processes & People
3:30 PM:
The 7 Laws of Abundance: A scientific Approach to Experiencing More Opportunity, Success, Freedom