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Western Welding Academy achieves 150% revenue recovery with DepositFix

Western Welding Academy achieves 150% revenue recovery with DepositFix

Western Welding Academy is dedicated to providing top-notch welding training to individuals seeking to enter the welding industry. However, as the institution grew, it encountered issues with tracking payments and managing customer expectations, threatening its revenue and reputation.

Miller Electric Mfg. LLC, based in Appleton, Wisconsin, Western Welding Academy (WWA), a leading welding training institution, faced significant challenges with payment tracking and customer satisfaction. This case study explores how WWA overcame these issues by partnering with DepositFix, resulting in improved revenue recovery, streamlined operations, and enhanced customer relationships.

The Challenge 

As WWA expanded its enrollment process, it required prospective students to make non-refundable payments to demonstrate their seriousness. However, the popularity of this approach led to a surge in payments from various sources, creating a complex payment-tracking problem. WWA faced several challenges, including:

  • Students and parents often contacted WWA, confused about payment status, leading to delays in processing their applications.
  • WWA dedicated two full-time employees to track payments, a labor-intensive and error-prone process.
  • Mismatched or untracked payments caused WWA to lose at least 10 customers per week, totaling an estimated $150,000 in lost revenue weekly.
  • The inability to promptly process payments resulted in negative customer feedback, impacting WWA's reputation.

WWA attempted to resolve these issues by implementing various internal processes, but the problems persisted. They needed a solution that could scale with their business and ensure accurate payment tracking.

The Solution

After a thorough search for a payment solution that integrated with their CRM system (HubSpot), WWA chose DepositFix. The platform offered several key benefits that helped WWA address its challenges:

  • DepositFix's ability to attribute payments to the correct contact, regardless of how many times a payment link was forwarded, streamlined WWA's sales process.
  • With DepositFix, WWA eliminated the need for manual payment reconciliation, saving significant time and resources.
  • DepositFix's responsive customer support team provided timely assistance, resolving issues quickly and helping WWA restore its reputation.
“Much of the academy's success to DepositFix's ongoing support and innovative solutions. WWA plans to continue its partnership with DepositFix, exploring additional features to drive further growth and efficiency.”
Tyler Sasse
Owner and founder

The Results 

After implementing DepositFix, WWA experienced a significant transformation in its operations:

  • Improved revenue:
    By accurately tracking payments, WWA was able to recover lost revenue, leading to a 150% improvement in their revenue recovery.
  • Enhanced customer experience:
    With clear payment tracking, WWA could deliver on its promises, reducing customer frustration and restoring trust.
  • Streamlined operations:
    WWA no longer needed additional staff for manual reconciliation, allowing them to focus on core business activities.

WWA also saw an improvement in its conversion rates, prompting the academy to consider new features like a seven day payment timer to further enhance its sales process.

Western Welding Academy's experience with DepositFix demonstrates how a reliable payment tracking system can transform business operations and customer satisfaction. By solving WWA's payment issues, DepositFix not only restored revenue but also improved the academy's reputation. WWA's success with DepositFix highlights the platform's ability to deliver scalable solutions and outstanding customer support, making it an invaluable partner for businesses seeking to optimize their payment processes.

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