Accept Payments with HubSpot and CardConnect

CardConnect provides a secure payment gateway with a focus on in-depth transaction data, making it a suitable choice for businesses that require detailed reporting for accounting or analytics.

Its platform offers PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and tokenization, which ensures high-level security, making it valuable for industries dealing with sensitive customer information like healthcare or financial services. Its native integration with major platforms like Oracle and SAP can also make it a favorable choice for larger organizations using these systems.

Lastly, its patented CardPointe platform makes it easy for businesses to manage transactions, view reports, and handle customer disputes.

Accept Payments with CardConnect

Payment gateway


CardConnect provides a secure payment gateway with a focus on in-depth transaction data, making it a suitable choice for businesses that require detailed reporting for accounting or analytics.

Its platform offers PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and tokenization, which ensures high-level security, making it valuable for industries dealing with sensitive customer information like healthcare or financial services. Its native integration with major platforms like Oracle and SAP can also make it a favorable choice for larger organizations using these systems.

Lastly, its patented CardPointe platform makes it easy for businesses to manage transactions, view reports, and handle customer disputes.

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