DepositFix Step-by-step
Lesson 4: Accept Donations

Lesson 4: Accept Donations

Learn effective strategies for receiving donations and setting up various payment methods with DepositFix. Ideal for nonprofits seeking streamlined donation processing.

Lesson 4: Accept Donations

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How donations work

Donation is a product type specifically tailored to nonprofits.  Donors have the option to choose between preset donation amounts or they can enter their own amount manually. You can also let them choose to cover the transaction costs (2.2% for Stripe and PayPal), which can be a significant amount if you're processing large donation volumes.  

You can read more tips on how to properly structure your donation page.

Allowing different payment methods

DepositFix allows you to enable multiple payment gateways from Stripe, PayPal, ACH, Google to Apple Pay as payment methods.  We also let your customers or donors use the offline payment option which does not require them to enter their payment information. This is especially useful if the person has entered all their personal details but would prefer to make the payment via bank transfer or invoice.

Learn everything you need to know about managing your nonprofit HubSpot account in our guide.
